Association Information
Geographical Location
Click on this image to explore Tamerlane directly on google maps!

Forms, Rules and Regulations
The following links are PDFs of our bylaws, rules, regulations and an architectural modification form.
- Tamerlane Bylaws as of 05/13/2018
- Architectural Modification Form as of 11/20/2023
- Tamerlane Rules and Regulations as of 01/08/2025
- Open this file to see the current maintenance fee amount.
- Home Depot Behr paint colors as of 02/10/2022
Attention readers
The text written below is a copy of what is in the Rules and Regulations PDF above. It is provided here as a courtesy for the sake of convenience only and is subject to change at anytime. If you are unsure about what you are reading or you have questions direct them to the property manager for clarification.
The board
Architectural Review Committee
The Architectural Review Committee is also known as the acronym ARC (formerly called ACC). All external changes to a unit need to be approved by the ARC by submitting an ARC form. When submitting your ARC form, include a copy of your contractors insurance coverage and their contractors license.
Rules and Regulations
The following is an excerpt of the Rules and Regulations PDF so that it can be more easily searched online without having to download a PDF.
Each year a budget is prepared for the community which is used to calculate the monthly maintenance amount. New coupons are provided to homeowners prior to the beginning of each year. This fee is used for trash pickup, lawn care, landscaping, road maintenance, common area water, electric, required insurance and general upkeep of the community. The maintenance fee is due the first of each month with a 15-day grace period. If received after the 15th, a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed. Any homeowner whose check is returned for insufficient funds (NSF) will be assessed the $25.00 late fee and an additional $35.00 NSF fee. The homeowner will also be responsible for any legal fees incurred in attempting to collect delinquent payments. Any homeowner who is 90 days past due on monthly fees will be referred to the association attorney for collection which may lead to a lien being placed on the property. LIENS CAN LEAD TO A FORECLOSURE SUIT LEVIED AGAINST YOUR UNIT. Any homeowner having difficulty making their monthly payments should contact the property manager to work out an arrangement with the Board of Directors.
Every unit within Tamerlane has two assigned parking spaces. These spaces are usually in front of or close to each home. Units with garages must count the space in front of their garage as one of their two spaces. Guest spaces are painted with black lettering on a yellow background. All guests should park in a designated guest space or in the guest parking lot located next to the pool. Tamerlane homeowners should park in their assigned spaces and not use guest spaces on a regular basis. All unauthorized vehicles parked in reserved spaces are subject to tow. Storage of vehicles at the pool guest parking lot is prohibited. Violators are subject to tow.
Under no circumstances should any vehicle be parked in a designated no parking zone. These zones are fire lanes which by law must be kept clear at all times. Any vehicles found parked in designated no parking areas will be subject to tow. Vehicles should not be parked on common areas. Any vehicle found driving or parking on common areas will be subject to tow and will be held liable for damages to common areas.
Recreational vehicles, boats and commercial vehicles should not be parked on Tamerlane property overnight in ANY space or common area. This includes vans and pickup trucks used for commercial purposes with advertisement or signage on it. All commercial vehicles must be parked outside of the community on Atlanta Street. Violators will be subject to tow at owner’s expense
Motorcycles are considered individual vehicles and must be parked in one of the two homeowner’s assigned spaces. Homeowner’s motorcycles may not be parked on common area grounds, sidewalks or in guest spaces. Violators will be subject to tow.
All vehicles parked on the property must be in good condition and in a good state of repair. No vehicles which cannot operate on its own power shall be stored on the property. No major repairs of any motor vehicle shall be made on the property. No motor vehicle shall be placed on blocks, jacks or similar device anywhere on the property. All vehicles parked on the property shall have valid and current tags.
Trash collection is provided on Monday and Thursday morning. Trash must be placed out for pick up in
Trash Cans. Trash cans should be placed outside after dusk the night before, or the same morning, and be brought in no later than the evening of pick up. When not out for collection trash cans must be stored on homeowner’s property behind the fence, out of sight! Trash pickup is only for household garbage and
bagged lawn debris.
Construction debris, furniture, appliances, computers, bicycles, fences and other “hard junk” will not be picked up. Dumping any type of hard junk will be subject to fines and fees for the removal of the material charged to the homeowner. The dumpster in the pool parking lot is not for personal use. Homeowners will be fined $250.00 for utilizing the association dumpster for personal use. Three times per year, a dumpster will be placed in the parking lot for community use.
No portion of common property may be removed, altered or built upon in any way without the knowledge and written consent of the Board of Directors. Tree pruning is not allowed. Parking or driving on the grass is not permitted. Any damage to common areas caused by a homeowner, their guests, employees, tenants or contractors is the sole responsibility of the homeowner. All repair and replacement costs will be charged back to the homeowner.
The pool, tennis courts, playground and dog run are for the use of Tamerlane homeowners and their guests only, with residents always having priority over guests. All guests must be accompanied by a Tamerlane resident. Please obey all posted signs, and keep all gates closed and locked. Children should not be left unattended anywhere on the property. Homeowners and guests may utilize the facilities at their own risk.
- Pool hours are from dusk until dawn.
- People using lotions or oils must shower before entering pool area.
- Pets are not allowed inside the pool area.
- A responsible adult must accompany children under the age of fourteen (14)
- No roller skates, bicycles, skateboards or ball playing allowed in pool area.
- Glass containers are not permitted at any time in the pool area.
- No lifeguard on duty – swim at your own risk.
- No diving permitted.
- No persons in diapers permitted in pool.
- Please keep door locked at all times. Only Homeowner’s with a key are permitted in the pool area.
- Court hours: 7:30AM–10:PM
- Courts are for Tamerlane residents Only and their guests.
- Owner must be with guest(s) at all times.
- Maximum of three(3) guests per household.
- No private lessons.
- Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- No skates, bicycles, skateboards, or strollers.
- No pets on any court.
- Do not climb on, hand from, or otherwise abuse nets or other equipment.
- Proper footwear required.
- No metal chairs on court.
- No chalk writing on courts.
- No glass, food or drink on courts. Water is permitted on sidelines.
- No foul language.
- Items brought in by residents/guest must be removed when you leave.
- Tamerlane not responsible for personal property left at the courts.
Bicycles, baby carriages, sports equipment or any personal property should not be kept outside of homes or on common areas. When not in use, they must be kept out of sight behind homeowner’s fence.
Basketball hoops, patio furniture, barbecue grills and miscellaneous items should not be left out in front of homes or on common areas. Items left out for prolonged periods of time will be disposed of and the homeowner will be liable for the cost of disposal. The Association assumes no responsibility for items left outside on common areas.
Holiday decorations are permitted to stay up for three weeks from the date of said holiday. Decorations that stay up past the three weeks will be subject to a violation being issued. This applies to all holidays, not just the major holidays.
Window air conditioners are not permitted in Tamerlane.
Homeowners are required to maintain the landscaping of their houses in an attractive, neat and clean fashion. Foliage should be kept trimmed. Overgrowth will not be permitted.
Homeowners are responsible for the sprinklers in their back yards. Homeowners may use the Association’s sprinkler system for their front gardens. Homeowners must contact the Board of Directors prior to tapping into the Association’s line and are responsible for all installation costs.
Fences must be kept in good condition and painted with the proper color paint. Sagging, rotted, buckling or patched fences must be repaired or replaced. If repairs are not done in a timely manner the Board of Directors has the authority to have the necessary repairs made and charge the homeowner the full cost of the repairs.
Consideration of the rights of other residents dictates that noise is kept to a minimum at all times. It is the owners’ responsibility that family, guests, renters and children do not create disturbing noises either within the unit or anywhere else on the premises. If you observe any suspicious or illegal activity, please call the police immediately. We all value the peace and security of our community and it is our responsibility to keep it that way.
Tamerlane is a pet friendly community. Pets must be kept indoors or inside fenced yards. State, county and local law requires that dogs be on a leash when walking on public property. Homeowners are also required by law to clean up after their dogs. Pet waste transmits disease and there are a lot of children that play in the community’s grassy areas. Failure to clean up after pets will result in fines. The community provides a dog run for the recreation of homeowner’s pets. Homeowners are responsible for their pet’s behavior while in the dog run. Aggressive pets are not permitted in the dog run as they pose a risk to other homeowners and their pets. Homeowners who fail to comply are subject to fines and suspension of their privileges to use the dog run. Pets are not permitted in the dog run after 10 pm. Do not leave your dog outdoors and unattended in your backyard. This may not only be dangerous for your dog but an annoyance for your neighbors.
Homeowners must comply with all zoning laws and local regulations: Commercial enterprises that are in violation will be reported to Code Enforcement.
The speed limit in Tamerlane is 15 mph. Signs to the effect are posted throughout the community. For the safety of all residents, please obey the speed limit.
Children should not be permitted or encouraged to play in our roadways. The community provides facilities (tennis court, pool, tot lot) for use by residents.
Upon the purchase of a unit, said unit cannot be leased immediately. There are 2 amendments governing leasing at Tamerlane. The first amendment sets the maximum number of units rented at 10% of the community. We are currently over that percent and no new units may be leased. There is a waiting list in the management office that owners may list their name on, if they wish to be contacted when there is availability to lease. The second amendment states the owner must live in the unit for a full year. Per the Association’s bylaws, leases must be for a minimum of 12 months and the homeowner must make the lease agreement available to the Association. All tenants are required to follow the Associations Rules and Regulations. Tamerlane is a family community and the Association requires all prospective new tenants complete the application process through our management company.
In an effort to maintain the level of enjoyment for all homeowners the Board of Directors (through the property manager) must enforce the use and other restrictions set forth in the Association recorded documents and the Association Rules and Regulations. In some situations, homeowners who are in non-compliance do so unknowingly and will receive a reminder letter. Please attend to the infraction in the time indicated. If unable to do so, please contact the property manager with an explanation and a request for an extension. Homeowners who are in violation of the use and other restrictions set forth in the Association recorded documents and the association rules and regulations rules and regulations may be subject to fines up to $100.00 per day per violation.
Individual yard sales are prohibited for reasons of safety, security and liability. At minimum once a year, the Board of Directors may approve a community yard sale.
The Declaration of Tamerlane prohibits the posting of exterior signs. No sign may be placed outside of your home or in the windows of the property including but not limited to signs for advertising your home for sale, advertising goods or services for sale, or promoting a contractor who is doing or has done work on your property.
Each unit owner is responsible to ensure that all furniture, plants and other moveable objects are removed from the exterior of the unit. Any unit owner who fails to make hurricane preparations and/or makes improper preparations shall be held responsible for any damage done to the property of other unit owners and/or the common elements of the association.
Any changes, alterations, additions, extensions, enclosures or sheds that shall be made to the exterior of homes must be approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Homeowners must submit an ARCform explaining the intended changes or modifications. The ARC will approve with or without modifications, or deny the application. If denied, the homeowner will receive a written explanation. They may resubmit the application with the required modifications, where applicable. All work must be performed according to local building codes and homeowners are required to secure the appropriate building permits. Any homeowner that makes changes or modifications without an approved ARC form may be required to remove, repair or repaint. Failure to do so will result in the board making the changes and charging the full cost back to the homeowner.
There are 2 types of shingles approved for use on Tamerlane roofs:
- Regular 3-tab asphalt shingles.
- The approved shingle color is CYPRESS TAN.
- Asphalt dimensional shingles (also known as architectural shingles).
- The approved shingle color is SHAKEWOOD.
All roofs require ARC approval. If the aforementioned shingle colors are not available, please contact management to help choose the correct color.
Homeowners must use T-11 wooden siding panels for their homes. Vinyl siding is accepted as long as it matches the pattern and grain of T-11 wooden siding. Please contact the ARC or Board of Directors for more information if you plan to use Vinyl siding. Rotting wood must be repaired or replaced.
Homeowners must paint homes with approved colors and according to the color scheme of their section. Please refer to the attached Paint Color Guide. The formulations provided in the guide are for BEHR paints which are available at Home Depot.
Medallion Paint Center
Tamerlane’s official color palette is on record at Medallion Paint Center which is an official Benjamin Moore store. It is located at 4510 Hollywood Blvd on the south side of the street. The full address is:
4510 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, FL 33021
Home Depot
If buying paint at Home Depot, be sure to state you are purchasing paint colors customized for Tamerlane Townhomes and bring the attached color guide with you.
Our Palette
The color palette of Tamerlane homes is composed of 3 colors:
1) Peach as of 02/10/2022 peach is no longer part of the palette.
2) Redwood
3) Mahogany
4) Navajo White